Fair Usage Policy for Unlimited Webflow Development and Design Subscription


Our unlimited Webflow development and design subscription plan is designed to offer high-quality services with flexibility and convenience to our clients. To ensure that we can continue to provide this level of service, we have established the following Fair Usage Policy. This policy is intended to prevent abuse and to ensure that all clients receive a fair and consistent level of service.

Fair Usage Guidelines

  1. Unlimited Requests
    • Clients can submit an unlimited number of requests for Webflow development and design.
    • Each request will be processed in the order it is received.
    • We will work on one request at a time per client, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
  2. Turnaround Time
    • While we strive to address requests as quickly as possible, the actual turnaround time will vary based on the complexity and scope of each request.
    • Standard requests (e.g., small design changes, minor updates) typically have a turnaround time of 1-3 business days.
    • Larger or more complex projects (e.g., new page designs, significant revisions) may take longer and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Scope of Work
    • The subscription covers a wide range of Webflow development and design tasks, including but not limited to:
      • Website updates and maintenance
      • Design revisions and improvements
      • Custom coding and development within Webflow's capabilities
    • Requests that fall outside the scope of Webflow's capabilities or require substantial custom development may be subject to additional charges or may not be included.
  4. Reasonable Use
    • The service is intended for regular business use by individuals or companies. Excessive or unreasonable use that impairs our ability to provide the service to other clients may be considered a breach of this policy.
    • Examples of excessive use include, but are not limited to:
      • Submitting numerous requests simultaneously
      • Repeatedly submitting high-complexity tasks without reasonable intervals
  5. Response and Communication
    • Clear and detailed briefs should be provided for each request to ensure accurate and efficient work.
    • Prompt responses to our queries or feedback are necessary to maintain the workflow and ensure timely completion of tasks.
  6. Revisions and Edits
    • Clients are entitled to an unlimited number of revisions for each request within reason.
    • Revisions should be specific and based on the initial request. Substantial changes or entirely new requests should be submitted as separate requests.
  7. Cancellation and Termination
    • Clients may cancel their subscription at any time. Access to the service will continue until the end of the current billing period.
    • We reserve the right to terminate the subscription if the Fair Usage Policy is repeatedly or egregiously violated, with appropriate notice to the client.
  8. Dispute Resolution
    • In the event of a dispute regarding the Fair Usage Policy, we will work with the client to resolve the issue in a fair and reasonable manner.
    • If a resolution cannot be reached, we reserve the right to make a final decision based on the specifics of the case.


This Fair Usage Policy ensures that all clients can enjoy a consistent and high-quality service experience. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.